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Lint errors: Table tag that should be deleted

Page title Table tag that should be deleted Through a template?
म्हुतुसि (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
मे (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
वा (एनाटोमी) (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
डायफ्राम (एनाटोमी) (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
Template:Chart/start (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
Template:PhysicsNavigation (edit | history) table
ब्वहः (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
न्हाय्‌पं (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
म्हुतु (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
खँलाबँला:एड्स (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
आम्पां (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
अम्पि (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
ल्याटिन भाषा (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
छ्येलेमि:YourEyesOnly (edit | history) table
छ्येलेमि:Church of emacs (edit | history) table
छ्येलेमि:EmausBot (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
मलयालम लिपि (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
छ्येलेमि:Beria (edit | history) table Output not from a single template
रेस्पिरेटरी सिस्टम (edit | history) table Output not from a single template