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विकिपिडिया नं
तामोन्तेनया १३गु शताब्दीया किपा। वसपोल ४म्ह रक्षक जुजुइ यंता (उत्तर)या रक्षक ख।

Vaiśravaṇa (Sanskrit वैश्रवण, पालि: वेस्सवण, सिंहल भाषाවෛශ්‍රවණ), सँदेय्य् जम्भाला ('Jambhala) व जापानय् बिसामोन्तेन छम्ह बौद्ध धर्म कथं ४म्ह दैविक जुजुया मू नाय ख।

वैश्रवण नां संस्कृतं वःगु खँग्वः ख। थुकिया अर्थ "बांलाक्क न्य" (hear distinctly) वा नांजाम्ह जु ("become famous") ख। [] थ्व खँग्वः मेगु संस्कृत खँग्वः विश्रवण (वा विश्रवया काय्) खँग्वःया अपभ्रंश ख। विश्रवण हिन्दू द्यः कुवेरया मेगु नां ख। [][][] [] वैश्रवणयात संस्कृतय् कुवेर, पालिइ कुभेर व संस्कृतय् हे जम्भाला नं धाइगु या। [] []

थ्व द्यःया मेमेगु नां थ्व कथं दु

  • 多聞天 (अःपु लिपि: 多闻天): चिनिया भाषा दुओ वेन तियान (Duō Wén Tiān) कोरियामि भाषा: दामुनोचेन (Damuncheon, 다문천), जापानी भाषा तामोनतेन (Tamonten)। थ्व सकल नांया अर्थ "यक्व न्यनिम्ह द्यः" ख।
  • 毘沙門天: चिनिया पिशामेन तियान (Píshāmén Tiān), कोरियामि: बिसामुचेओन Bisamuncheon (비사문천), जापानी:बिशामोनतेन Bishamonten। थ्व नां संस्कृत खँग्वः वैश्रवणया अपभ्रंश ख। नापं खँग्वःया ल्यु सर्गः वा द्यः वाचक आखः स्वानातःगु दु।
  • सँदेय् भाषा: རྣམ་ཐོས་སྲས (rnam.thos.sras नमथोस्स्रस)
  • मङ्गोल भाषा: (Баян) Намсрай (बयन ) नम्स्रइ
  • थाइ भाषा: ท้าวกุเวร or ท้าวเวสสุวรรณ ( थाओ कुवेन Thao Kuwen वा थाओ भेस्सुवान Thao Vessuwan)



थ्व द्यःया उत्त्पति हिन्दू द्यः कुवेरया रुपय् जूगु ख। लिपा थ्व द्यः बौद्ध द्यःया रुपय् यक्व बाखँय् प्रदर्शित जुयादिल। बौद्ध बाखँय् थ्व द्यःया महिमा हिन्दू द्यःया महिमा स्वया भति-भति पा। पूर्वी एसियाय् बौद्ध द्यःया रुपय् वःगु जुसां थ्व द्यः ई नापं जनश्रुतिइ व धर्मय् बौद्ध धर्मया पात्र स्वया पृथक भुमिका कावन।

वैश्रवण यंताया रक्षकया रुपय् कायेगु या। वसपोलया छेँ उत्तरी दिशाय् सुमेरु पर्वतया क्वेया भागया दकले च्वेया जाःय् दूगु व वसपोल सुमेरु पर्वतया सकल यक्षतयेगु नायः जूगु बाखँ दु।

वसपोलयात म्हासुगु ख्वा दुम्ह पात्रया रुपय् चित्रित याइ। वसपोलया किपाय् वसपोलं छगू कुसा वा छत्र ज्वनाच्वंगु दै गुकिलि वसपोलया स्वाधीनता ब्वइ। वसपोलयात म्हुतुं तिसा ल्ह्वयाच्वंम्ह mongooseनापं चित्रिय याइ। mongoose बिया शत्रु ख। बि लोभ व द्वैशया चिं ख। तिसा ल्ह्वयाच्वंगु अवस्था दानया चिं ख।

थेरवादय् महिमा

वश्रवण उदोन थानी प्रान्त, थाइल्याण्डया छापय्

थेरवाद बुद्ध धर्मया पालि ग्रन्थय् वैश्रवणयात वेस्सवन धका उल्लेख यानातःगु दु। वसपोल प्यंगु दिशाय् राज याइपिं प्यम्ह महाराजन (चतुरमहाराजनो)य् छम्ह धका वर्णन याना तःगु दु। वसपोलया राज्य यंता दिशाय् उत्तरकुरु नापंया भूमि जूगु वर्णन दु। छुं सुत्तया अनुसार वसपोलया नां वसपोलया राज्यया थाय् विशान नं वःगु ख। वसपोलया छगू अलकामन्दा (Ālakamandā) ,गुकिया अर्थ वैभव ख, धाःगु नगर दूगु वर्णन दु। वसपोलं यक्ख(यक्ष)तयेत नियन्त्रण यानादि।

वसपोलया कला भुञ्जती (Bhuñjatī) ख। वसपोलया ५म्ह म्ह्याय् लता(Latā), सज्जा (Sajjā), पभरा (Pavarā), अच्छिमति (Acchimatī), व सुता (Sutā) दु। वसपोलया काय्चा पुन्नक (Puṇṇaka) छम्ह यक्ष ख। पुन्नक नागिनी इरन्दती (Irandatī)या भातः ख। वसपोलया अस्त्र गदाभुध (संस्कृत:गदायुध) ख। बुद्ध धर्म पालन याये धुंका वसपोलं थःगु अस्त्र मछ्यःगु वर्णन दु।

भेस्सभनया न्हापाया जन्मया नां कुवेर ख। न्हापाया जन्मय् वसपोल तःम्हिम्ह मिल साहु बर्मु जुयाच्वन। वसपोलं थःगु ७गु मिलय् छगू मिलया उत्पाद २०,००० दँ तक्क दान बीत छ्यलादिल। अथे जुगुलिं वसपोल चतुम्महाराजिकाय् छम्हया रुपय् जन्म कयादिल।

As with all the Buddhist deities, Vessavaṇa is properly the name of an office (filled for life) rather than a permanent individual. Each Vessavaṇa is mortal, and when he dies, he will be replaced by a new Vessavaṇa. Like other beings of the Cātummahārājika world, his lifespan is 90,000 years (other sources say nine million years). Vessavaṇa has the authority to grant the yakkhas particular areas (e.g., a lake) to protect, and these are usually assigned at the beginning of a Vessavaṇa's reign.

When the Buddha was born, Vessavaṇa became his follower, and eventually attained the stage of sotāpanna (Sanskrit: srotaāpanna, one who has only seven more lives before enlightenment). He often brought the Buddha and his followers messages from the gods and other humans, and protected them. He presented to the Buddha the Āṭānāṭā verses, which Buddhists meditating in the forest could use to ward off the attacks of wild yakkhas or other supernatural beings who do not have faith in the Buddha. These verses are an early form of paritta chanting.

Bimbisāra, King of Magadha, after his death was reborn as a yakkha called Janavasabha in the retinue of Vessavaṇa.

In the early years of Buddhism, Vessavaṇa was worshipped at trees dedicated to him as shrines. Some people appealed to him to grant them children.

Tamonten stature at Tōdai-ji, Nara

In Japan, Bishamonten (毘沙門天), or just Bishamon (毘沙門) is thought of as an armor-clad god of warfare or warriors and a punisher of evildoers – a view that is at odds with the more pacific Buddhist king described above. Bishamon is portrayed holding a spear in one hand and a small pagoda in the other hand, the latter symbolizing the divine treasure house, whose contents he both guards and gives away. In Japanese folklore, he is one of the Japanese Seven Gods of Fortune.

Bishamon is also called Tamonten (多聞天), meaning "listening to many teachings" because he is seen as the guardian of the places where Buddha preaches. He is believed to live half way down Mount Sumeru.

Partly gilded Tibetan bronze statue of Vaisravana (Jambhala) sitting on a snow lion and holding a mongoose in his left hand. 18th century

In Tibet, Vaiśravaṇa is considered a worldly dharmapāla or protector of the Dharma, a member of the retinue of Ratnasambhava.[] He is also known as the King of the North. As guardian of the north, he is often depicted on temple murals outside the main door. He is also thought of as a god of wealth. As such, Vaiśravaṇa is sometimes portrayed carrying a citron, the fruit of the jambhara tree, a pun on another name of his, Jambhala (in Tibetan pronunciation Dzambala or Zambala). The fruit helps distinguish him iconically from depictions of Kuvera. He is sometimes represented as corpulent and covered with jewels. When shown seated, his right foot is generally pendant and supported by a lotus-flower on which is a conch shell. His mount is a snow lion.

Nam Te Se. (རྣམ་ཐོས་སྲས་ or རྣམ་སྲས་) is not Dzambala. Nam Te is the king, and Dzambala is one of his ranking ministers. Nam Te Se has eight ranks, and Dzambala is one of these ranks.

Tibetan Buddhists consider Jambhala's sentiment regarding wealth to be providing freedom by way of bestowing prosperity, so that one may focus on the path or spirituality rather than on the materiality and temporality of that wealth.


  1. १.० १.१ MW Sanskrit Digital Dictionary p. 1026
  2. The Ramayana Of Valmiki (Vol.2) Ayodhyakanda An Epic Of Ancient India
  3. Hopkins, Edward Washburn (1915). Epic mythology. Strassburg K.J. Trübner.
  4. Rāmopākhyāna: the story of Rāma in the Mahābhārata
  5. The Heart of the Warrior: origins and religious background of the samurai system in feudal Japan By Catharina Blomberg. Page 31. Published 1994. Routledge (UK). Philosophy. ISBN 1873410131
  6. Ruthless Compassion: wrathful deities in early Indo-Tibetan esoteric Buddhist art By Rob Linrothe (page 20). Published 1999. Serindia Publications, Inc. Art & Art Instruction. 354 pages. ISBN 0906026512
  7. Meeting the Buddhas By Vessantara. Windhorse Publications, 5004. ISBN 0904766535 pg 84
