सकल लग
अपलोड, डिलिसन (हुइज्या), प्रोटेक्सन (संरक्षण), ब्लकिङ, व सीस-अप धलः। छिं थुकियात छगु धलःकथंय्, छ्येलिमि नां, वा स्वापूदुगु पौ कथं नं स्व्यादिफै।
- १३:३२, ४ अक्टोबर २०१० Mercy खँल्हाबल्हा योगदान blocked Yellowpagenepal खँल्हाबल्हा योगदान with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, email disabled) (Spamming links to external sites)
- १३:३१, ४ अक्टोबर २०१० Mercy खँल्हाबल्हा योगदान deleted page पुचः:Wikipedia help forums (content was: 'i wants ot say detail about nepali job site. www.onlinejobpoint.com is best vartual help base website.it gives hot tips for online user.who wants ...' (and the only contributor was 'Yellowpagenepal'))
- १३:३१, ४ अक्टोबर २०१० Mercy खँल्हाबल्हा योगदान deleted page Onlinejobpoint.com (content was: ' With the great pleasure, we want to inform all people and organizations that our company is going to launch a very typical online directo...' (and the only contributor was 'Yellowpagenepal'))
- १३:३१, ४ अक्टोबर २०१० Mercy खँल्हाबल्हा योगदान deleted page Haircut No. 1 (content was: 'Haircut No. 1 was Warthog's first attempt at video taping the sexual interactions of him cutting the pubic hair of a hog while the hog's penis was erect...' (and the only contributor was ''))
- १८:००, १८ मार्च २००९ User account Mercy खँल्हाबल्हा योगदान was created automatically