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राईट दाजुकिजा

विकिपिडिया नं
<font-size: 100%>Orville Wright
"We came down here for wind and sand, and we have got them."
बुंदि Aug. 19, 1871
Dayton, Ohio
सीदिं Jan. 30, 1948
Dayton, Ohio
ज्या printer/publisher, bicycle retailer/manufacturer, airplane inventor/manufacturer, pilot trainer
जहान none
<font-size: 100%>Wilbur Wright
"For some years I have been afflicted with the belief that flight is possible to man." "It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill."
बुंदि April 16, 1867
Millville, Indiana
सीदिं May 30, 1912
Dayton, Ohio
ज्या printer/editor, bicycle retailer/manufacturer, airplane inventor/manufacturer, pilot trainer
जहान none

राईट दाजुकिजा प्रथम सफल मेक्यानिकल व मनुया नियन्त्रणय् दुगु हवाइजहाज आविष्कार यापिं मनुतः खः।