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कृस्टियान हुजेन्स

विकिपिडिया नं
Christiaan Huygens
Christiaan Huygens by Bernard Vaillant, Museum Hofwijck, Voorburg
बूगु (1629-04-14)14 अप्रिल सन् 1629
The Hague, Dutch Republic
मदूगु 8 जुलाई 1695(1695-07-08) (आयु 66)
The Hague, Dutch Republic
थाय्‌बाय् Netherlands, France
राष्ट्रियता Dutch
ख्यः Physics
संस्था Royal Society of London
French Academy of Sciences
अल्मा मातर University of Leiden
University of Angers
नांजाःगु ज्या Titan
Explanation Saturn's rings
Centrifugal force
Collision formulae
Pendulum clock
Huygens–Fresnel principle
Wave theory
Huygenian eyepiece
31 equal temperament musical tuning
प्रभाव Galileo Galilei
René Descartes
Frans van Schooten
प्रभावित विज्ञ Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Isaac Newton[१][२]


  1. (25 April 2002) The Cambridge Companion to Newton. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved on 15 May 2013.
  2. Niccolò Guicciardini (2009). Isaac Newton on mathematical certainty and method. MIT Press. Retrieved on 15 May 2013.