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गट्फ्राइड लीब्निज्

विकिपिडिया नं
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
बूगु July 1, 1646
Leipzig, Electorate of Saxony, Holy Roman Empire
मदूगु नोभेम्बर 14, 1716(1716-11-14) (आयु 70)
Hanover, Electorate of Hanover, Holy Roman Empire
राष्ट्रियता German
कालखण्ड 17th-/18th-century philosophy
क्षेत्र Western Philosophy
अभिरुचि Mathematics, metaphysics, logic, theodicy, universal language
नांजागु विचाः Infinitesimal calculus
Best of all possible worlds
Leibniz formula for π
Leibniz harmonic triangle
Leibniz formula for determinants
Leibniz integral rule
Principle of sufficient reason
Diagrammatic reasoning
Notation for differentiation
Proof of Fermat's little theorem
Kinetic energy
Law of Continuity
Transcendental Law of Homogeneity
Characteristica universalis
Ars combinatoria
Calculus ratiocinator
  1. Franz Exner, "Über Leibnitz'ens Universal-Wissenschaft", 1843; "Universalwissenschaft" in the Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon; Stanley Burris, "Leibniz's Influence on 19th Century Logic", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  2. The History of Philosophy, Vol. IV: Modern Philosophy: From Descartes to Leibniz by Frederick C. Copleston (1958)
  3. "It is in Leibniz that Tarde finds the main conditions for the metaphysics of possession.He sees in Monadology (1714) the beginning of a movement of dissolution of classical ontology (notably the identity of "being" and "simplicity"), which would, in a still implicitand unthinking form, find its most obvious confirmation in today's science." In: "The Dynamics of Possession: An Introduction to The Sociology of Gabriel Tarde" by Didier Debaise