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- क्रिस वाटसन Chris Watson Labor 27 April 1904 18 August 1904 ४ सर जर्ज रीड Sir George Reid Free Trade 18 August 1904 5 July 1905 - अल्फ्रेड डीकिन Alfred...३ KB (३८९ खँग्वःत) - ०५:४६, १० फेब्रुवरी २००७
- oil lamp (d. 1882) March 10 - Sir Thomas MacKenzie, New Zealand Prime Minister and High Commissioner (d. 1930) March 14 Paul Ehrlich, German scientist, recipient...१३ KB (१,४०४ खँग्वःत) - १९:३६, ७ मार्च २०१३
- (d. १८८६) १८३६ - Sir Edward Poynter, British painter (d. १९१९) १८४० - Illarion Pryanishnikov, Russian painter (d. १८९४) १८५६ - Sir John Lavery, Irish...२४ KB (२,३४५ खँग्वःत) - ०२:२७, १८ अक्टोबर २०२३
- to Gregory XIV as Pope. १६१८ - English adventurer, writer, and courtier Sir Walter Raleigh is beheaded for allegedly conspiring against James I of England...२५ KB (२,२४२ खँग्वःत) - १३:२१, १ जुलाई २०१४
- producer (मदुगु २००१) १९२० - Ella Raines, American actress (मदुगु १९८८) १९२२ - Sir Freddie Laker, English entrepreneur (मदुगु २००६) १९२३ - Jess Collins, American...२० KB (१,७७५ खँग्वःत) - ०४:०४, २९ सेप्टेम्बर २०२२
- thoughts through inference of facts determined by calculated experiments." Sir Francis Bacon was critical in the historical development of the scientific...२२ KB (१,७०१ खँग्वःत) - ०५:३८, १७ ज्यानुवरी २०२४
- assisted in resettling Jewish refugees on the island of Mindanao. [१४] Sir Nicholas Winton - British stockbroker who organised the kindertransport which...१७ KB (२,०४४ खँग्वःत) - ०७:३९, ८ जुलाई २०२३
- parallel term anté-historique had earlier been coined by Paul Tournal.") Simpson, Douglas (1963-11-30). Sir Daniel Wilson and the Prehistoric Annals of Scotland...१२ KB (१,१६२ खँग्वःत) - ०९:०६, ४ नोभेम्बर २०१९
- On March 23, 1729 he was married to Jane Thornhill, daughter of artist Sir James Thornhill. In 1757 he was appointed Serjeant Painter to the King. Hogarth...२५ KB (३,११३ खँग्वःत) - ०१:३८, २४ फेब्रुवरी २०२४
- Fenimore Cooper, Jacques Arago, Daniel Defoe, Johann David Wyss, George Sand, Sir Walter Scott Influenced Marcel Aymé, Robert Ballard, René Barjavel, Roland...३ KB (७ खँग्वःत) - १७:२९, २ अगस्ट २०२२