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Create the page "Lord British" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- politician (मदुगु १८४७) १८०९ - Alfred Lord Tennyson, English poet (मदुगु १८९२) १८४४ - James Henry Greathead, British engineer (मदुगु १८९६) १८४४ - Alfred...२० KB (१,७७५ खँग्वःत) - ०४:०४, २९ सेप्टेम्बर २०२२
- the British commander Lord Cornwallis following the Siege of Yorktown. १८१२ - War of १८१२: American frigate USS Constitution defeats the British frigate...२४ KB (१,९८६ खँग्वःत) - ०४:०४, २९ सेप्टेम्बर २०२२
- Donald Featherstone, British writer and wargamer १९१८ - Marian McPartland, British jazz pianist १९२० - Pamela Harriman, British-American diplomat (d....२४ KB (२,३४५ खँग्वःत) - ०२:२७, १८ अक्टोबर २०२३
- विलियम होगार्थ (category British caricaturists)Burlington Gate (1731), evoked by Alexander Pope's Epistle to Lord Burlington, and defending Lord Chandos, who is therein satirized. This print gave great...२५ KB (३,११३ खँग्वःत) - ०१:३८, २४ फेब्रुवरी २०२४
- 328. Montero[clarification needed] p. 356 Mackesy (1964), pp. 6, 176 (British seamen) A. J. Berry, A Time of Terror (2006) p. 252 Claude, Van Tyne, The...९ KB (१५५ खँग्वःत) - ०५:५५, १२ सेप्टेम्बर २०१४
- Effingham 1831 Fayette and Crawford County Lord Edward Effingham, military officer who resigned from the British Army to avoid fighting the American colonies...३४ KB (३५७ खँग्वःत) - २१:५०, १२ डिसेम्बर २०२४