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- is reserved for "heat" in a chemical reaction. "Y" is also often used as a general chemical symbol, although it is also the symbol of yttrium. "Z" is...२६ KB (२,६३५ खँग्वःत) - १३:२०, ११ डिसेम्बर २०२४
- exchange process is complete in the pulmonary capillaries, blood is returned to the left side of the heart through four pulmonary veins, two from each side...१५ KB (१,६१० खँग्वःत) - ०६:०१, २२ जुलाई २०२४
- 1.2 million people worldwide each year, and injure about forty times this number. Sprawl is more broadly a factor in inactivity and obesity, which in...३८ KB (३,९२६ खँग्वःत) - २१:१८, १३ जुलाई २०२४
- desert background, was completed. It would become one of her most famous and well-known works. In the 1940s, O'Keeffe had two one-woman retrospectives, the...२० KB (२,६३० खँग्वःत) - ०१:४०, २४ फेब्रुवरी २०२४