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Create the page "CREATOR KING CREATOR" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Isabelle Aubret, French singer 1938 - Gary Gygax, American role-playing game creator 1939 - Michael Longley, Northern Irish poet 1940 - Pina Bausch, German...१८ KB (१,६१६ खँग्वःत) - २१:०९, ४ अक्टोबर २०२२
- and inventor of the first method of distilling kerosene from seep oil, creator of the first oil lamp (d. 1882) March 10 - Sir Thomas MacKenzie, New Zealand...१३ KB (१,४०४ खँग्वःत) - १९:३६, ७ मार्च २०१३
- स्भ्याटोस्लाभ फ्योडोरोभ - Russian ophthalmologist, eye microsurgeon, creator of radial keratotomy. गाजी यसर्गील - Turkish neurosurgeon, honored as...२२ KB (१,८४४ खँग्वःत) - २२:५५, २९ अप्रिल २०२४