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- ज्योर्जिया ओ'कीफ (category Members of Art Students League of New York)where she settled late in life. O'Keeffe has been a major figure in American art since the 1920s. She is chiefly known for paintings in which she synthesized...२० KB (२,६३० खँग्वःत) - ०१:४०, २४ फेब्रुवरी २०२४
- विलियम होगार्थ (section Moralizing art)editorial cartoonist who has been credited with pioneering western sequential art. His work ranged from excellent realistic portraiture to comic strip-like...२५ KB (३,११३ खँग्वःत) - ०१:३८, २४ फेब्रुवरी २०२४
- 2010-06-21 कथं। Columbus was once known as ‘Arch City’. 2010-06-21 कथं। Indie Art Capital = It’s Official. 2010-06-21 कथं। National Geographic Magazine, March...१२ KB (६२३ खँग्वःत) - २३:५२, ३० अगस्ट २०२२
- अल्जेरियन अरबी arr Karo (Brazil) कारो (ब्राजिल) ars Najdi Arabic नजदी अरबी art Artificial languages कृत्रिम भाय् aru Aruá (Amazonas State) or Arawá अरुआ...४६५ KB (७ खँग्वःत) - ०१:२५, २७ सेप्टेम्बर २०२४