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मिडियाविकि:New inscript rules.js

विकिपिडिया नं

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 * Inscript regular expression rules table for Malayalam
 * @author Junaid P V ([[user:Junaidpv]])
 * @date 2010-09-08
 * License: GPLv3
if(tr_new_inscript== undefined) var tr_ml_inscript = {};
else tr_new_inscript = {};
tr_new_inscript.text = "Transliterate";
tr_new_inscript.description = "Transliterate";
 // Normal rules
tr_new_inscript.rules = [
['`', '','ॊ'],
['~', '','ऒ'],
['_', '','ः'],
['=', '','ृ'],
['\\+', '','ऋ'],
['\\\\', '','\u200C'],
['q', '','ॗ'],
['Q', '','औ'],
['w', '','ै'],
['W', '','ऐ'],
['e', '','ा'],
['E', '','आ'],
['r', '','ी'],
['R', '','ई'],
['t', '','ू'],
['T', '','ऊ'],
['y', '','ब'],
['Y', '','भ'],
['u', '','ह'],
['U', '','ङ'],
['i', '','ग'],
['I', '','घ'],
['o', '','द'],
['O', '','ध'],
['p', '','ज'],
['P', '','झ'],
['\\[', '','ड'],
['\\{', '','ढ'],
['\\]', '','\u200d'],
['\\}', '','ञ'],
['a', '','ो'],
['A', '','ओ'],
['s', '','े'],
['S', '','ए'],
['d', '','्'],
['D', '','अ'],
['f', '','ि'],
['F', '','इ'],
['g', '','ु'],
['G', '','उ'],
['h', '','प'],
['H', '','फ'],
['j', '','र'],
['J', '','ऱ'],
['k', '','क'],
['K', '','ख'],
['l', '','त'],
['L', '','थ'],
[';', '','च'],
[':', '','छ'],
['\'', '','ट'],
['"', '','ठ'],
['z', '','ॆ'],
['Z', '','ऎ'],
['x', '','ं'],
['c', '','म'],
['C', '','ण'],
['v', '','न'],
['V', '', 'ऒ'],
['b', '','व'],
['B', '','ऴ'],
['n', '','ल'],
['N', '','ळ'],
['m', '','स'],
['M', '','श'],
['<', '','ष'],
['/', '','य']